On September 25 the congregation voted on whether to extend a call to the Call Committee candidate, Rev. Amy Gillespie. After the congregational vote resoundingly passed, Andrea Taylor informed Rev. Gillespie of the results and offered the call to her. We are excited to report that Pastor Amy Gillespie has accepted the call to be St. James's new pastor! Of course, with any process there is paperwork, so council members Dave Moore and Shelly Holmstrom filled out and submitted the necessary paperwork to the Synod. We are still awaiting the signed paperwork from the Synod and should be receiving it soon, but we wanted to share this happy news with you sooner rather than later. It is at this time we report that the vote was over 95% in favor of the call.
Of course, the next question on most people's minds is the following: When will Pastor Gillespie begin her ministry at St. James? And, we have a rough timeline contingent upon the signed paperwork from the Synod. Barring any Synod delay, Pastor Gillespie should be joining us in roughly 6 weeks. This includes a 30 days notice to her current congregation and two weeks in order to relocate with her family to the area. We will, of course, update you with a specific date once it has been determined.
The Call Committee thanks the congregation for their support and prayers during this 9 month process. I personally thank all of my colleagues for their time and energy in finding the right candidate for St. James. I especially thank them for the following: Chairperson Andrea Taylor for the myriad hours she has spent on the phone and drafting emails and leading this committee, Mark Wanda on spearheading the Ministry Site Profile, Linda Berner on arranging our pastoral open house, Mike Bennett on his spiritual leadership, Gail Morgan on relaying information to Council, and Hans Bodine for taking copious notes as secretary and his insight as the only individual to have previously served on a call committee.
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Call Committee Impressions Part 2