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Are visitors welcome?

Yes!  Visitors are not only welcome, but we expect to see visitors at every service. You are welcome anytime and we look forward to seeing you. Please let us know you were here!

Where are you located?

We’re located in Lake Forest, IL.  Our address is 1380 N. Waukegan Road.  We are located on the West side of Waukegan Road about a mile south of Route 176.

When are worship services?

We worship on Sundays at 10:00am.  During Lent and Holy Week and other times of the year we hold additional worship services during the week. Check the Calendar page to see the worship schedule in any particular week.

What can I expect?

We offer both a traditional service and a service which features our contemporary band, Damascus Road.  Both services are liturgical. Damascus Road is usually at on the first Sunday of every month.

What should I wear?

You may wear anything you want!  We see folks at every service in casual, business casual and dressy attire.  God wants you in His house; He doesn’t care how you come dressed.

Do you offer Sunday School for children?

Yes. Sunday School is held every Sunday at St. James at 8:45am., September through May, for children age three through eighth grade. The program year is divided into two semesters.

Can I participate in The Lord’s Supper (Eucharist)?

We trust that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal of Holy Communion. All baptized Christians who share that trust, whether or not they are members of this congregation, are welcome to Christ’s meal.

St. James is a member of the ELCA, which is partnered with several other denominations in a relationship called Full Communion. One of the characteristics of Full Communion is mutual recognition of Baptisms and sharing of The Lord’s Supper.


Yes-we have a nursery staffed by a child care professional where parents can take their young children.  

Is child care available?

Yes, we provide child care in our nursery at every service for those parents that wish to use it.  For your child’s safety, adult child care providers have undergone a background check.

Can I get married at St. James if I’m not a member?

Please contact Pastor Amy who would be happy to discuss membership and officiating at wedding services.

How can I get involved?

Individuals and families interested in membership go through a short series of new member classes.  These informative classes provide the background necessary to transfer membership from another church or to initiate your first church membership.  New member classes are held every quarter.  Please contact Pastor Amy Gillespie if you are interested in exploring membership at St. James.

Are weekly AA meetings held at St. James? 

Every Tuesday and Friday evening we provide free meeting space to local Alcoholics Anonymous groups so that they can hold their meetings.

Worship is at the center of our church life. We regularly have communion as a part of our worship services. All are welcome to come worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us.  Read more

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©Copyright ⓒ 2025 St. James Lutheran Church, Lake Forest, Illinois. All rights reserved


1380 N. Waukegan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045

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