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Blessing and Sending for Mission

Blessing and Sending for Mission

Friends in Christ: Today we give thanks to God and seek God’s blessing as we send our Confirmation students and leaders to Nashville on their Serve Boldly Mission Trip

Let us pray.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, ruler of the universe.

You made the whole earth for your glory; all creation praises you.

We lift our voices to join the songs of heaven and earth

in thanksgiving for the many blessings you have given us.

Renew in us the commitment

to use our gifts in the service of others, and especially of those in need.

Let us be your hands to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless,

clothe the naked, comfort the weary and outcast,

welcome the stranger, care for creation,

and be loving neighbors to all people.

Bless those who go out from here to labor in service to your people.

Prosper the work of their hands.

Bless those who receive them and the fruits of their labor,

and may those who are sent receive blessing in return.

May the gifts they use and share be signs of your love to all people.

To you, O God, be glory and honor through your Son, Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, in your church and in the world, now and forever.



Worship is at the center of our church life. We regularly have communion as a part of our worship services. All are welcome to come worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us.  Read more

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1380 N. Waukegan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045

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