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"Exploring Faith, Celebrating Milestones, and Embracing the Triune God

Hello St. James community,

I am starting something new this season and will be writing a blog about our faith and what I’m up to at St. James. It will often include what’s happening in worship, what connections I’m making, and invitations to you all to join in various ministries, projects, etc. This will take the place of the Reflections email over the summer and provide a little more information, insight, and interface with me as your Pastor.

This Sunday in worship, we celebrate the Holy Trinity–our God, one in three and three in one. In my experience, this can be one of the most confusing concepts for children to understand–but also adults. I would say children may even have an easier time suspending disbelief and going with the flow of what faith means to them.

The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but the notion that God is a God of relationship is more fathomable for us humans. I have a friend who has a tattoo of the Dance of the Trinity on their leg– this is the famous picture of the three ambiguous people who came to Abraham in Genesis 18. In the story at the Oaks of Mamre, Abraham bent over backwards and set out a feast for them (with lots of help from Sarah, who basically did all the cooking). The three strangers turned out to be messengers from God, and they shared the news that Sarah would have a child in her old age. This is one instance of how the Triune God has been witnessed over time and in scripture.

This Sunday, Jesus also commissions the disciples in the Gospel of Matthew to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” We also recognize the apostolic greeting in the 2nd Corinthians reading that we hear at the beginning of our worship service: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.”

I’m grateful things lined up the way they did with our readings because we are honoring our graduating High School seniors, as well as anyone else graduating from school, in our worship this Sunday. We hear this commission of Jesus as our own, especially for our children venturing out into the wide world. They are not alone; as Jesus says in Matthew: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Our triune God doesn’t leave our side and in fact, follows us and finds us when we go astray. We are corralled as a shepherd guides their sheep, and Jesus pursues us with goodness and mercy all the days of our lives.

We also hold our annual governance meeting after worship on Sunday at 10:45 am. This is another way Jesus commissions us to go make disciples. We honor and celebrate the ministries that we’ve accomplished in the last year together, and we look forward to the future of what God will call us to do next! There will be exciting information shared at this important meeting that showcases the leadership of St. James, especially as we vote for new church council members to lead our congregation. This is the work of the Spirit, given to us by God through Jesus Christ. Please join this meeting and lend your voice to the work of the Spirit here at St. James!

Blessings on your week, and see you Sunday!

-P. Amy


Worship is at the center of our church life. We regularly have communion as a part of our worship services. All are welcome to come worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us.  Read more

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1380 N. Waukegan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045

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