Prayer List
We remember in our prayers:
Sandy Abby
Eleanor Arneson (aunt - Nancy Clemens)
Warren Bjork (great uncle - Tom Bohac)
Anna Braun (friend – Richard & Brigitte Kaeske)
The Family of Ron Bye
Dave Eherts (friend – Annie & Paul Moss)
Margie Elkins (friend - MaryBeth Buschmann)
Christina Famiglietti (daughter – Linda Kollacks)
The Family of Sondra Feldman (friend - Sue Thomas)
Jim Gaeding (friend – Mark Wanda
Kristi Gerken (niece - MaryBeth Buschmann)
Kathryn Gilbertson
Alexis Gladstone (friend - Sue Thomas & Bob Hughes)
Mike Jarvi
The Family of Sandy Jaeger (sister - Chary Voss)
The Family of Mary Joers (mother – Sue Ebert)
Al Johnson (friend – Nancy & Pete Clemens)
David Johnson (husband – Denise Norberg-Johnson)
Richard Kaeske
Craig Larsen (friend - the Moore family)
Rachel Larson (cousin – Nancy Clemens)
Michael Lorenson (father – Choosri Goebel)
Roy Meyer (friend – Emily & Tom Bohacs)
Bill Milligan (friend – Melissa & Detlef Koska) Deb Moore
Ryan Olliges (relative - Gina Husemoller)
Carolyn Omietec (friend - the MacAyeal family)
Peter O’Rourke (friend - Sue Thomas & Bob Hughes)
Susan Paul
Beverly Progler – (friend – Joan & Mark Krikau)
Family of Evelyn Rorem (aunt – Jineen Heiman)
Deb Russell (aunt - Emily Bohac)
Jean Schmidt (grandmother - Kelly Duncombe)
Sherry Schupbach (friend – Anne & Jeff Browne)
Susan Shipman (sister-in-law - Alane Wanda)
Margie Steinmetz (friend – Paula & David VanSingel)
Debbie Stonich (friend - MaryBeth Buschmann)
Zelmira Tomaska (mother - Paula Doyle)
Chary & Sieg Voss
Nancy Wanda (mother – Mark Wanda)
Joan & John Webster
Matt Wetherbee (brother - Tiffany Alexander)
Janet Wilson (friend – Dave & Paula Van Singel)
Mary & Bill Wisecarver (friends – Montalbano family)
Wayne Zahl (brother – Deb Moore)
Ivan Zranchev (brother – Carmen Montalbano)
Barbara Zeile (sister – Ron Koepke)